Gamification likes a game, but not a game. There are three characters to define it: the first is using game elements such as points and badges; the second is using game design techniques and the third is that used in non-game contexts. The most important is that could influence people’s real life
The first example is Nike Plus. Nike is famous for making running shoes, therefore they wants people could be encouraged to run more. In 2006, Nike developed a new device called Accelerometer, that could track every single step people take when they running. Nike put it into shoes so that it could measure how far, how long and how fast the people has ever had. Users can also compare themselves to previous times and then make a new running plan. The reason why says that Nike+ is a gamification example is that runners can establish goals and challenges for themselves. When they achieves that goals successfully, they will get a trophy or a medal( game elements). The other interesting thing is that with this device, runners could compete against friends or get encouragement from friends. The design meaning of the Nike+ is to let people go out and run, rather than siting down in front of the computer and just playing running games. It uses game structures to help and encourage people to make running experience feel somehow richer and more rewarding.
The second is HabitRPG who takes the form of a role-playing game. There are three main items in this application. Habits are long-term goals which are utilized to change a person’s habits. When you finish a good habit, the role will gain gold and experience, if you do not do that you will lose health. Dailies is something you should finish it in a known, scheduled, and repeatable fashion. User needs set it in advance. And it has the same rules as the habits: gain gold and experience or lose health. The third is To-Dos. This is a one-time tasks that can be added or deleted at the user’s desire. If you finish one, you gain experience and the to-do then disappears in checking box. Unlike the other two, you could have a large amounts of time passes without doing to-dos and that will not lose health whereas they will become more valuable over time. If you complete them once, you could get more experience and gold. With the gold user could buy decorations for their roles in this app. This app aim is to help users improve real life habits. The better you are at this ,the more you progress in the game.
The last is called Deloitte Leadership Academy. This app has the same theory as the HabitsRPG. The different point is that it is built for encouraging employees to complete course modules, share comments and ideas or achieve certain leader board status.